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July 24, 2005

Slax: cooler than ever.

A while back I wrote about the goodness that is Slax, a live-CD Slackware distribution which fits on a cool 210MB mini-CD. Last night I spent some time on the site and am impressed with the pace of Slax development. Slax now gives you a boot option which permits you to store your Slax configuration on the Slax servers, giving you some real portability. I look forward to the day when Slax also permits you to store your configuration on your own servers.

Slax now also supports the ability to load the entire OS into RAM (256MB required), freeing a CD or DVD drive for other uses. I'm running Slax from RAM right now, and it is really snappy.

I've always been a fan of portable bootable Linux systems (Cramdisk, tomsrtbt, Knoppix, etc) but this is the best one I've ever used. I'm really interested in putting together my own version with a lightweight window manager and crammed full of programming tools. It'd make a great portable system to take along...well, anywhere.

Permalink | Posted by Joe at July 24, 2005 02:25 PM


So funny

Posted by: Joe at February 7, 2006 01:43 PM

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