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July 18, 2006

Japanese Summer Vacation

Those of you who visit here for Japanese tidbits (both of you) are doubtlessly wondering about the lack of news lately. With the JLPT coming in December and kanji number 1000 in sight, I guess I'm taking a vacation.

Part of the reason is the lack of Japanese class lately. One of the guys has been out of town, so we've only had class once in the last month. When there's no class, there's less motivation to work. I'm also working a lot on some other career options, so that's taking some time. A little break has been nice.

Part of the reason has been a lack of motivation. I don't have a driving need to learn Japanese. I have no Japanese friends, no conversation partners, no job requirement. I've been going on personal drive and desire for 2 years now, and they're getting a little tired.

I still have some projects going, though. I'm still looking for a conversation partner, am working on some editing for The Japan Shop and a review of Kodansha's Communicative English-Japanese Dictionary. The review should be coming soon.

However, it's time to start getting back to work. Weekly class should start to be weekly again. I need to review those 950 kanji I've learned, and start breaking down the JLPT requirements into easily-digestible chunklets so I can be ready for December. More details coming soon.

Permalink | Posted by Joe at July 18, 2006 01:58 PM


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