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May 25, 2006

More thoughts on the Heisig method

After writing that last article, I decided to modify my own approach to the Heisig method. On previous attempts I got bogged down while pushing for 100% recall. As the kanji count goes up, so does the review load; going for 100% recall means a huge amount of extra review, leading to slower and slower progress and eventually no progress.

This month (May) I've been trying a new approach. I want to get these kanji learned. I don't have time for 100% recall and hours of review every day. Seeing the kanji again in vol. 2 and in Real Life will also provide repetition and review. So, I've cranked up the pace and am doing about 20 kanji per day. It's not rocket science: it's just memory work. I take 20 or so new kanji per day, more if possible, and really work out memorable images or stories for them. Before bed I review them, and next morning too. Once per week I review the previous weeks' work.

On May 1 I had covered 625 kanji. As of May 25 I've done another 210. That's a pretty nice pace. It's really fun to learn a bunch of new kanji, then look at some Japanese text and find the new kanji. It's a bonus when they have furigana: the readings stick very easily.

It almost seems too good to be true. Since it's a long weekend coming up, I'll do another comprehensive review to see how it's really going.

Permalink | Posted by Joe at May 25, 2006 11:28 AM



I came across your blog via Japanese!Japanese! and I'm interested in adding a link to your blog from mine. I'm also in the process of learning Japanese and find it interesting to see how others approach the language.

Anyway, keep up the good work! :)


Aspiring Polyglot - http://aspiringpolyglot.wordpress.com/

Posted by: Kelly at June 5, 2006 04:07 AM

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