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December 18, 2005


What a month it's been. Ever since Thanksgiving it's been non-stop schoolwork: first a group project for database design, then a group project for project management, then two exams this past Tuesday and Wednesday. That database exam was one of the worst I've ever taken.

But Wednesday night I uploaded my project management exam and that was the end of school for the semester. Ok, the midnight phone call from a classmate was the real end of the semester, I guess.

On Thursday I started my new job. Wow. It's going to be interesting: they're so swamped with work and hiring contractors so quickly that no one has time to sit down and show me what I'm going to be doing. That's actually pretty fun: on Thursday I sat down and started reading all the general documentation I could find, then got some hints about the system I'd be working on. Friday I talked to the project manager and found out that I'm going to be starting on the automation end of things, which should be fun and not too unfamiliar since that's the type of thing I was doing at BT.

It's going to be interesting.

Permalink | Posted by Joe at December 18, 2005 09:53 PM


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