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November 08, 2005

Job hunting.

Well, I officially delivered my first resume yesterday afternoon. Actually, I guess I emailed a few last week. Job hunting certainly is different in these days of dice.com and computerjobs.com. There appear to be a few good matches in western and/or central Michigan, but I'm going to start sending applications out of state almost immediately. The likelihood of being able to stay in western Michigan appears pretty low right now.

Update: as I was throwing all my stuff together to leave for database class this evening, the phone rang. It was the headhunter in New York to whom I sent my resume on Friday for a C/Unix/SQL job in Lansing. The hiring manager got my resume and wants to meet me for an interview on Friday. Who knows? Maybe I won't be out of work for too long.

Permalink | Posted by Joe at November 8, 2005 03:48 PM


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